SRO Membership
If you are contemplating joining Society Radio Operators (SRO), you probably would like to know something about the organization. What follows is a brief description of the make-up of the club and some of its activities.
SRO is chartered by the State of Illinois as a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to technical improvements and public services within our community. The club is guided by four officers and three directors who are elected by the general membership for one-year terms.
Club activity is reported in "Mike Shy." Our newsletter is sent to all SRO members, and includes information on SRO activites, local happenings, the repeaters, technical articles, hamfests, etc.
General meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of every other month at the Salavation Army in Norridge; attendance is optional. Usually an an informative program follows the handling of club business.
For detailed information on SRO and its club activities or in joining our club, you are welcome to explore the rest of our Web site.