The name of the rules shall be the "CFAR 2M Foxhunting Rules" and shall provide a guide for the conduct of the 2M hunts.
The CFAR 2M Foxhunt is sponsored Society Radio Operators.
Starting Time
The starting time for the 2M foxhunt is the 1st Saturday of each month at 8 PM local time.
Starting Location
Rt 83 north of St. Charles Rd, Elmhurst across from Whole Foods
The Rules for the Fox
1.Access of the 2M repeater and acknowledgement of the Hunters
The Fox must be heard by a simple majority of the hunters and strong enough to provide an unambiguous direction. If this is not possible, a general direction may be given by the Fox if a majority of the Hunters agree. A PL tone will be transmitted necessary to access the repeater.
2.Power, Antenna or Location Change
The antenna location and power during the test transmission should not be changed. If it is necessary to make a change, the Hunters must be notified of the changes to be made. A full explanation must be given after the hunt. Increase of power or antenna height at the request of a Hunter is permissible.
3.Release of the Hunters
The fox will list the Hunters from the Master. Then the Fox will release the hunters after a one (1) minute transmission with the words, "The Hounds are released".
The Fox will transmit only transmit intelligible voice signals for one (1) minute and then release the Hunters. A minimum pattern of one (1) minute transmissions with up to four (4) minutes of silence will be followed until the end of the hunt. No feedback from other radios are allowed and short transmissions will be made only if requested by a Hunter.
5.FCC Compliant Transmissions
The Fox must clearly identify by calling one of the Hunters. This makes the transmission legal and fully compliant with FCC rules.
6.Forbidden Hidding Spots
AIf a spot cannot be reached without trespassing or crossing a barrier designed to keep people out, it should no be used.
BIf it is customaryto pay for admission in or out of an area, it should not be used.
CAreas requiring entrance to a building that are engaged in business or who would not permit such activity, should not be used.
DAny area that may be adversely involve the general public or give the appearance of a security risk, should not be used.
7.Control of the Finish
The Fox must establish a means of knowing who finished the hunt and the order. This is critical if the Fox is not near the antenna (e.g. using a long coax or remote device).
8.Acknowledge the Hunter
The Fox, when confronted properly (See Hunter Rule 4a) by a Hunter, will answer, "Yes".
9.Meeting Place After the hunt.
The Fox will be responsible for establishing a meeting place for the Hunters after the hunt. The location can be announced at any time by the Fox but no later than at the end of the hunt.
10.Multiple Foxes
Each fox will comply to the rules of the fox except that the last Fox will release the Hunters.
The Rules for the Master of the Hounds
1.Order of Release
The Master of the Hounds, who was last month's Fox, will contact the Fox on the hunt frequency, or any other frequency or device if it is necessary. If last month's Fox is not available or is not able to contact the Fox, an alternate Master may be chosen.
2.List of Hunters to the Fox
The Master will ask if all the Hunters are ready. When this has been verified, The Master will contact the Fox and provide a list of the Hunters who are ready to hunt.
3.Results of the Poll
Results of the poll will be relayed to the Fox. If a majority (>50%) of the Hunters heard the fox and are able to determine an unambiguous direction, the Master will verify that a required number of Hunters are ready before contacting the Fox to start the 1st transmission.
4.Polling the Hunters
The Master will poll the Hunters after the test transmission and ask each hunter of they heard the Fox
The Rules for the Hunters
All competing Hunters must check in to the Master. This includes all members of the hunting team. Only those who check-in will be eligible to officially find the fox. No outside help is allowed including remote sites.
2.Release Order
The Hunters must leave in the order they arrived at the starting point Exceptions to this are:
AMultiple exits are used
BHunters who do not hear the Fox sufficient for a bearing may leavelater.
CHunters who experience mechanical or technical problems may leave later.
This rule is included to provide for a safe and orderly start of the hunt.
3.Conduct on the Road
Hunters must drive in a safe and legal manner at all times.
4.Order of Finish
The Hunter who arrives at the spot designated by the Fox will have finished.
AIf this spot is the Fox, the Hunter must reach the Fox and ask, "Are you the Fox?" and follow with the team call sign.
BIf the spot is separate from the Fox, a method of determining the order of finish must be apparent to both the Hunter and the Fox.
5.Transmissions Other than the Fox
At no time will a Hunter transmit on the hunt frequency while the Fox is on the air. Transmissions may be made only if there is a very good reason.
6.Succeeding Fox
The Hunter who wins the hunt will be the Fox on the next month'shunt. An alternate Fox may be substituted for good reason.
Changes to the Rules
Any request for a change to the rules must be presented to the Foxhunt Chairman. Any changes will be in effect one (1) month after the new rules are distributed to the Hunters.